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Support ring PBK
in closed installation spaces 
PBTB (polyester 55 Shore D) 
mineral oil 
Hydraulic fluids HFA, HFB 
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PBK 010-610 PBK 11 PBK 611 PBK 12 PBK 109 PBK 110-613 PBK 13 PBK 111 PBK 614 PBK 112 PBK 14 PBK 15 PBK 113 PBK 616 PBK 16 PBK 114-809 PBK 17 PBK 115 PBK 617 PBK 116 PBK 210 PBK 117 PBK 211 PBK 19 PBK 812 PBK 20 PBK 118-813 PBK 212 PBK 213 PBK 119-814 PBK 120 PBK 214 PBK 618 PBK 121 PBK 215 PBK 24 PBK 122 PBK 216 PBK 123 PBK 217 PBK 218 PBK 26 PBK 124 PBK 125 PBK 219 PBK 126 PBK 220 PBK 127 PBK 221 PBK 29 PBK 128 PBK 222 PBK 325 PBK 129 PBK 824 PBK 30 PBK 130 PBK 326 PBK 223-825 PBK 131 PBK 826 PBK 132 PBK 327 PBK 224-827 PBK 133 PBK 828 PBK 328 PBK 32 PBK 134 PBK 225-829 PBK 135 PBK 830 PBK 329 PBK 136 PBK 226-831 PBK 137 PBK 832 PBK 330 PBK 138 PBK 227-833 PBK 139 PBK 834 PBK 140 PBK 228-835 PBK 331 PBK 141 PBK 836 PBK 142 PBK 229-837 PBK 332 PBK 143 PBK 838 PBK 144 PBK 333 PBK 230-839 PBK 145 PBK 840 PBK 334 PBK 146 PBK 231-841 PBK 147 PBK 842 PBK 335 PBK 148 PBK 232-843 PBK 149 PBK 844 PBK 150 PBK 233-845 PBK 336 PBK 846 PBK 619 PBK 234 PBK 337 PBK 235 PBK 338-620 PBK 152 PBK 236 PBK 339 PBK 237 PBK 340 PBK 341 PBK 153 PBK 238 PBK 621 PBK 239 PBK 342 PBK 154 PBK 240 PBK 343 PBK 241 PBK 344 PBK 622 PBK 242 PBK 345 PBK 346 PBK 243 PBK 347 PBK 244 PBK 348-623 PBK 245 PBK 157 PBK 246 PBK 349 PBK 425 PBK 247 PBK 350-860 PBK 426 PBK 248 PBK 351-861 PBK 249 PBK 428 PBK 862 PBK 429 PBK 250 PBK 353-863 PBK 251 PBK 354-864 PBK 252 PBK 431 PBK 865 PBK 253 PBK 432-433 PBK 356-866 PBK 254 PBK 357-867 PBK 255 PBK 358-868 PBK 435 PBK 257 PBK 360-870 PBK 258 PBK 872 PBK 362 PBK 363 PBK 628 PBK 364 PBK 365 PBK 880 PBK 263 PBK 442 PBK 367 PBK 443 PBK 884 PBK 368 PBK 444 PBK 266 PBK 370 PBK 446 PBK 269 PBK 372 PBK 373 PBK 447 PBK 678 PBK 684


  • in closed installation spaces 
  • PBTB (polyester 55 Shore D) 
  • mineral oil 
  • Hydraulic fluids HFA, HFB 
Temp. max.
  • 130 Â°C
Temp. min.
  • -50 Â°C
Working pressure
  • 500 bar
Customs tariff number
  • 39269097 
All characteristics

Product description

Pressure = 250 bar / e max.= 0.25
Pressure = 300 bar / e max.= 0.20
Pressure = 350 bar / e max.= 0.15
Pressure = 400 bar / e max.= 0.10
Pressure = 500 bar / e max.= 0.05
Easy assembly.
The rings do not need to be cut.
Economical solution.

Product variants

195 Results
Show dimensional drawing
M (mm)
N (mm)
P (mm)
Q (mm)
Details / items
7 mm
10.1 mm
6.9 mm
10 mm
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8 mm
11.1 mm
7.9 mm
11 mm
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9 mm
12.1 mm
8.9 mm
12 mm
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9 mm
12.1 mm
9.9 mm
13 mm
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9 mm
13.5 mm
9.5 mm
14 mm
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10 mm
14.5 mm
10.5 mm
15 mm
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11 mm
14.1 mm
10.9 mm
14 mm
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11 mm
15.5 mm
11.5 mm
16 mm
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12 mm
16.5 mm
12.5 mm
17 mm
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12.5 mm
17 mm
13.5 mm
18 mm
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Shows 10 of 195

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P (mm)
Q (mm)